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Caesalpinia pulcherrima, also known as Peacock Flower or Red Bird of Paradise, is a deciduous or evergreen shrub or small tree with a spreading crown. It is widely grown in tropical gardens as an ornamental and as a hedge, being valued especially for its incredibly showy blossoms.
£ 2.49 -
Indian Sandalwood is a tropical tree that will do well in full sun. When mature, it is popular for its strong scent and essential oil widely used in the cosmetic and medicinal industries.
£ 2.49 -
This is a popular, early season, hybrid variety, which will be ready to pick after around 50 days from sowing. The fruits are predominantly female, deep green, up to 6-8 cm long, with the typical for gherkins prickly skin. Great both for preserving and fresh consumption with their lovely, crunchy texture.
£ 1.99 -
This is a popular, medium-sized variety, suitable for fresh consumption. The fruits are approximately 16-18 8 cm long, deep green, with smooth skin. Suitable for growing both indoors and outdoors.
£ 1.99 -
Lavatera is a popular and attractive summer border flower with large, shiny, open flowers. It will reach height of up to 1 m so will look great at the back of the border. It will make a lovely cut flower, too.
£ 1.69 -
This is an elegant perennial border plant for spring blooming. Also known as Columbine, it will bloom in giant long spurred flowers of mixed delicate colors.
£ 1.99