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All Seeds
Mexican Sunflower is a stunning annual with soft orange petals and golden centre
£ 1.49 -
A cottage garden favourite with vibrant long spurred blooms on strong stems that will flower year after year
£ 0.99 -
All the packaging of this product is fully compostable, so once you have finished with it, it can be added to the compost heap.
The Ice Cream sunflower is a slightly different variety of sunflower with smaller, creamy coloured blooms and branching out habit. It is a hardy annual or a short lived perennial. Grows up to 80 cm to 1 m in height. Will make a lovely cut flower.
£ 2.99 -
Red Giant Sunflower is an annual with red petals and dark centre. It will grow up to 2m and will brighten every garden putting a stunning display. Will make a lovely cut flower.
£ 1.99 -
The packaging of this product is fully compostable, so once you have finished with it, it can be added to the compost heap, so nothing goes to landfill.
A lovely, delicate white and pastel pink variety that will add elegance to your border or containers.
£ 2.99 -
This trendy ornamental grass brings an airy look to the front of a border or a container with its green flower heads fanning out like fireworks. It’s a half-hardy annual that is easy to grow from seed. It also makes an excellent cut flower and dries very well.
£ 1.49