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annual flowers
All the packaging of this product is fully compostable.
Night Scented Stock, as its name suggests, opens its delightfully scented flowers at night. It is best sown close to the house in containers to appreciate its scent.
£ 2.99 -
Moss Rose, a member of the succulent family, is a tough, low-growing plant that will bloom in lovely single flowered blooms in various, beautiful colours. It is easy to care for as it will tolerate almost all growing conditions. The flowers will attract butterflies and bees to your garden.
All the packaging of this product is fully compostable, so it can be added to the compost heap once you have finished with it.
£ 2.99 -
Ammi Visnaga is a hardy annual or a short lived perennial with upright stems that are topped with big (up to 12cm across) flower clusters. Initially flattened and lime green, these flowerheads gradually become dome-shaped, and open to greenish-white flowers. Great for cutting
£ 2.99 -
Nigella is one of the most popular summer bedding flowers. This variety will bloom in deep blue colour on feathery foliage putting on a stunning display. It will make a great addition to the cut flower or cottage garden.
£ 1.49