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The wool has been sourced from sheep from the mountains in Bulgaria and has been processed following old Bulgarian methods, without using any chemicals. In this way the wool preserves all its natural qualities.
£ 2.99 -
The wool has been sourced from sheep from the mountains in Bulgaria and has been processed following old Bulgarian methods, without using any chemicals. In this way the wool preserves all its natural qualities.
£ 2.99 -
This is a late season variety which will produce large heads that are well shaped with tender texture, great both for fresh consumption and preserving.
£ 1.79 -
This is a popular, medium-sized variety, suitable for fresh consumption. The fruits are approximately 16-18 8 cm long, deep green, with smooth skin. Suitable for growing both indoors and outdoors.
£ 1.99 -
Briza Maxima is an attractive ornamental grass, also known as Quacking Grass or Pearl Grass. Briza will make a great addition to any border forming dense tufts of linear leaves with long–lasting, open panicles of nodding pale yellow spikelets on slender branches. Briza can be used for cutting and dried flower arrangements. It is an erect hardy annual grass that will grow up to 60 cm in height.
£ 1.45 – £ 2.72 -
This is an attractive half-hardy annual with intriguing spotted blooms that will do well in moist soil and partial shade. A must for the summer garden with its unusual flowers.
£ 1.99