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Annual Flowers
All annual flowers available in the shop
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All annual flowers available in the shop
White Fodder Beet is a semi-sugar variety of fodder beet that will produce large cylindrical roots with a greenish tip above ground and juicy pulp. It will store well, so can be grown in larger quantities.
Dahlia Mignon Mixed is an annual that will form small blooms of various colours and will grow up to 40 cm in height. It will produce a mass of flowers all summer and autumn. It will attract beneficial insects to your garden and will also made a great cut flower with its strong stems and long lasting flowers.
Night Scented Stock, as its name suggests, opens its delightfully scented flowers at night. It is best sown close to the house in containers to appreciate its scent.
he mixture contains a wonderful assortment of ultra dwarf annual in lovely yellow and white shades that will brighten up both your garden border and containers. These lovely flowers will attract butterflies and bees to your garden
Californian Poppy is a splendid free flowering annual in bright colours, suitable for the border, containers, etc. It looks stunning among other summer flowers and will look great in a bunch of cut flowers
Lupin Hartwegii is an annual variety of lupin with long flower spikes on tall stems. It will brighten every garden putting a stunning display. Looks at its best when planted in groups.
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